South Carolina based  Sonoco Protective Solutions, a division of Sonoco, has announced the addition of two new paper-based packaging options for heavy and high-value products to its EnviroSense line of more sustainable packaging: the EnviroSense FiberMax Bulk Box and the EnviroSense FiberMax Master Roll package.

FiberMax Bulk Box packaging is designed to help companies with products weighing thousands of pounds protect their items, maximize transportation efficiency, reduce storage space, increase stacking strength and make it easy for their customers to recycle the packaging at the end of its useful life. Similarly, EnviroSense FiberMax Master Roll packaging helps manufacturers of equally heavy, high-value materials in roll form such as films, foils and laminates avoid damage, reduce costs, improve storage utilization and simplify recycling after use.

Both EnviroSense FiberMax packaging solutions are 100 percent recyclable and provide the strength needed to hold thousands of pounds. Users of the FiberMax Bulk Box will find the remarkably strong package costs about half as much as similarly sized wooden crates. Likewise, FiberMax Master Roll packaging can be as much as 25 percent more cost effective and more than 50 percent lighter when compared to wooden crate alternatives. 

“We believe we have a responsibility to develop more sustainable packaging to help protect and preserve our planet for future generations,” said Carl Kraus, Segment Vice President of Protective Solutions at Sonoco. “Although customers have relied on us for returnable packaging innovation, some supply chains need one-way and export solutions. The FiberMax Bulk Box and Master Roll solutions apply this same philosophy to the development of bracing and cushioning options for heavy and fragile goods – offering superior protection from the rigors of new distribution channels while at the same time providing an innovative new option that’s 100 percent recyclable.”

FiberMax Bulk Box and FiberMax Master Roll packaging represent the latest additions to Sonoco’s expanding assortment of more sustainable packaging options designed with tomorrow in mind. 

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