Celebrated nationally on the first Friday in October, MFG Day is manufacturing’s biggest annual opportunity to inspire the next generation, positively shift perceptions about our industry, and build the foundation for the manufacturing workforce of the future.

MFG Day is an initiative of the Manufacturing Institute. The MI builds, diversifies and strengthens the modern manufacturing workforce, with the goal of furthering individual opportunity, community prosperity and a more competitive manufacturing industry.

The MI engages underrepresented communities and shifts perceptions about careers in modern manufacturing, leads skilled training and career development programs, provides thought leadership and research on the changing state of the workforce and builds partnerships to scale up its impact on manufacturing in the United States.

As the 501(c)3 nonprofit workforce development and education partner of the National Association of Manufacturers, the MI is a trusted adviser to manufacturers, equipping them with solutions for the industry’s toughest challenges.

Join thousands of manufacturers across the U.S. as they showcase the realities of modern manufacturing and inspire the next generation of creators. MFG Day will be celebrated nationally on October 6, but everyday is MFG Day. Make your event date and time work for you and your target audience.

It’s time to put your MFG Day event on the map, so students, teachers, parents and community leaders can learn about opportunities in their communities to explore careers in modern manufacturing and see how creators are making the future in the United States.

By hosting an MFG Day event, you will not only join thousands of other hosts in showcasing modern manufacturing careers and technologies, but you’ll also be highlighting the benefits that manufacturing offers your community and nation.

What requirements does your event need to meet in order to be an official MFG Day event?

Must consist of a tour of a manufacturing facility, office, innovation center or other site; other creative student-invite type of event at a manufacturing or manufacturing-supporting site; school event about manufacturing; manufacturing-related jobs fair; manufacturing-related career day event; or manufacturing product expo or similar event highlighting the realities and diverse careers in modern manufacturing

Must be open to students, parents and/or educators

For resources that provide valuable information to help manufacturers and partner organizations plan and prepare for MFG Day 2023, look to the MI’s MFG Day webinars which explain how to get started and plan your event. 

Since 2012, @MFGDay has helped students discover financially rewarding job opportunities. This year, we’re giving the future workforce the tools they need to kick start their career during our MFG Day event.

There are millions of modern manufacturing jobs coming online in the next decade — opportunities to create, contribute and connect.

Whether it’s hosting an MFG Day event, attending an event in your community, or promoting MFG Day through your social channels, stay involved and help us showcase the best that the manufacturing industry has to offer.

Activating your digital channels is a great way to show engagement during MFG Day. The MFG Day Action Partner Toolkit is your go-to resource for engaging your audiences around #MFGDay23.

Our national registry of MFG Day events is the official resource for MFG Day activities across the country. Let’s show what manufacturers are doing to open doors of opportunity to more students and more people. 

To access resources, register, download the action partner toolkit, and more visit mfgday.com.

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