Board Converting News (BCN) is now scheduling the content for two of its annual features, Supplier Reports and Converter Reports. The year 2021 is expected to be an innovative and productive one as both suppliers and converters continue to grapple with the challenges created by COVID-19, which is projected to grow throughout and beyond the holiday season.

An e-mail requesting a Supplier Report will be sent this week to all active BCN advertisers asking for information on what products or services they will be marketing and selling in 2021 and what business has been like as the industry adapts to a “new normal,” that is, without industry meetings or trade shows. 

As in past years, there is “no charge” for having your Supplier Report in an issue of Board Converting News. It is essentially FREE advertising; a supplier has between 500-750 words to explain their product or service. It’s just another way that BCN thanks its advertisers and sponsors for their support. Supplier Reports will enjoy additional exposure as BCN continues to build its presence online at

Converter Outlooks for 2021 also promise to be informative and enlightening.Converters who choose to participate have up to 1,000 words to share their thoughts on the state of the industry, new products and innovations, strategies for building sales and relationships, and even, as some have expressed in the past, their opinions on the political landscape. We are asking, however, that any political opinions be expressed in the context of how it impacts the corrugated and folding carton industries. 

As always, BCN seeks to have a diverse representation of independent converters from all regions of North America. From smaller family-owned box makers to multi- sheet plant operations to “super plants,” all converter outlooks are welcome. Many “outlooks” also provide the foundation for a coveted BCN feature story, in which converters have even more space to tell their story and include photos of the people and the machinery that enable them to be successful.

Again, emails will be sent requesting participation during the week, but suppliers and converters can send their reports and outlooks now to Editor-in-Chief, Len Prazych, at [email protected]. Questions are always welcome, as are suggestions on how to make our publication as valuable as possible for our growing number of readers, sponsors and advertisers, whose help will allow BCN, for the 37th year in 2021, to be the only weekly publication – in print AND online – serving the North American Corrugated and Folding Carton Industries!

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