Women in Print Alliance, an advocate for women in the printing industry and part of PRINTING United Alliance, has launched a new membership program designed to provide enhanced benefits and greater accessibility for women at all stages of their careers. The new program aims to foster a supportive community, offer professional development opportunities, and advocate for the advancement of women in printing and graphic arts. 

Recognizing the diverse needs and goals of women in the printing industry, Women in Print Alliance has developed a comprehensive membership structure that caters to students, emerging professionals, and industry veterans alike. Each membership option reportedly offers unique benefits designed to support members’ professional growth and career progression and will include a mix of virtual and in-person benefits, with programming focused on topics like career development, executive leadership, and work-life balance.

At PRINTING United Expo 2024 in Las Vegas, being held September 10-12, Women in Print Alliance will offer even more ways for women in the industry to connect, including at the annual Women in Print Alliance Luncheon, informal meet-ups, and more. 

More information about the new program can be found at womeninprintalliance.org/.

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