Hosts Gene Marino, President, Akers Packaging Service Group, and Joe Morelli, Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Huston Patterson Printers and Lewisburg Printing Co., speak with Steve Young, AICC Ambassador at Large, in “Faith Not Fear,” the latest episode of Breaking Down Boxes. Young has had a birds-eye view of the industry for decades thanks to his storied career at AICC.
“Some people get into the corrugated business by design, by family or by accident. I got in by the grace of God,” said Young. In this episode, he shares a fascinating history of AICC. “Knowing Steve all these years, I knew he would not disappoint. It was great to dig into his history, especially as AICC will celebrate its 50th anniversary next year,” said Marino.
Succession plans rarely go off without some bumps in the road. Young discusses the succession process, which elevated him to the head of AICC, and eventually led to his brief departure from AICC in the mid-90s.
Young also shares his thoughts on where he thinks the industry is headed. Hear the whole story available now on all major podcast players or at