Ernest L. “Ernie” Moon, a beloved father, grandfather, dedicated professional and friend, passed away on December 22, 2024, at the age of 78, surrounded by the love of his family. Born on June 9, 1946, in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, Ernie lived a life filled with determination and compassion.
In 1990, Ernie and his late wife Gloria made their home in Willow Springs, Illinois, where they built a loving life and raised a family. Ernie enjoyed a remarkable 47-year career in the corrugated box industry, a field in which his expertise and dedication flourished. He earned a degree in Business Management and further distinguished himself by attaining a Master’s Degree from the American Management Association.
Ernie was a family-oriented individual who cherished the time spent with his loved ones. He will be remembered for his joyful spirit and the warmth he brought to every gathering. Ernie’s fondest memories included delightful afternoons in Florida, where he and his beloved, late spouse, Gloria, would share laughter while watching the sunsets on the beach. Every Tuesday, he could be found enjoying lunch with his closest friends, a testament to his sociable nature and dedication to maintaining meaningful relationships.
Ernie dedicated over 15 years to the Willow Springs Lions Club, where he was known for his passion and commitment, particularly as the Diabetes Coordinator. His service extended to his roles on the Justice Willow Springs Water Commission and the Pleasantdale Park District Board, demonstrating his unwavering commitment to the betterment of his community.