AICC, The Independent Packaging Foundation, invites members to participate in the “Everyday Digital” webinar at 2:00 p.m. ET on August 29. Guest speaker for the virtual event will be Craig Heavener, Domino Installation & Application Engineer. Previously, Heavener was a Customer Lead in Field Service at EFI. He is a graduate of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Everyday Digital allows you to utilize all of the key ingredients in your plant today, your material and your workforce, and combine with a press built for a corrugated environment, but better.
With digital printing, operators do not need to have a background skilled in printing. It attracts the next generation of a younger workforce, and it allows them to operate a touchscreen display while keeping their hands clean.
Everyday Digital allows your customers a cost-effective way to quickly change their branding and messaging at a moment’s notice, while allowing you to be more productive, more efficient, and make more money.
This webinar is free to AICC members in good standing. Register at